lemons, lemons and more lemons !!!

Well  its another beautiful sunny  day  here, This  morning  our  neighbour  brought me a sack of lemons.
So many  wonderful recipes   using lemons  but the best thing to make  on   a  hot  day  like this  is  lovely  fresh    homemade lemonade.It  tastes  so  much  nicer than the shop bought  variety  and  you  know    it  has  no  nasty  additives.

All you  need  to make it  , is  sugar, water and of course  your lemons !

The  following  ingredients make   2.5 litres of  lemonade,
If  that is  too  much for you, halve  the   ingredients or...
 you can freeze  some in   a plastic   container   for  use   again...
or    even     take it  from the freezer  just  before  it  gets solid  and  you have a  lovely  refreshing  granizado !

1/..  squeeze  the  juice  from  10  lemons, if you  are doing this by hand  roll the lemons around a  bit on a hard surface first  ..this will make it easier to remove the juice .
2/,,Put 500 ml   of water in a   very large pan, with 500 ml (weighed in  measuring jug)  of sugar.
3/ Bring this mixture to the boil and  turn off once all the sugar has been dissolved.
4/ Add  the  lemon juice to this mixture  and leave to cool.
5/ When cool   add  a  further  1 .5 to 2 litres of water  mix well    and  pour  into  your   jugs or containers.

If you freeze  mint leaves  in water in ice cube trays  , this makes a  great addition to the drink.
I    dipped the  rim of  the glasses in egg white   ,
then in  sugar  which  i   had   coloured green with a few drops of  food colouring.

We  never got to have  a barbecue  last night,  but  I  have  frozen  a  litre  of  this  ready  for when we do,
I  hope you enjoy  it   !

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